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Gabry Ponte - Shining歌词 和 Shining歌词 创作表达的意思

“Turn on the light turn on”是一句歌词,这句歌词出自歌曲《Shining》,演唱者是歌手Gabry Ponte

这首歌发行于2023-11-10,收录于Gabry Ponte的专辑“Shining”中。


Shining的专辑 Mama said I’m vibing to my own beat
and Oh my God, it’s vibrant a 4k diamond
Catch the shade, it’s blinding
But you ain’t gotta
Turn on the light, turn on the light,
turn on the light To see me shining
Don’t mind me, I’m vibing to my own beat and
Oh my God, it’s vibrant
a 4k diamond
Catch the shade, it’s blinding
But you ain’t gotta
Turn on the light, turn on the light,
turn on the light To see me shining
Turn on the light, turn on the light,
turn on the light You ain’t gotta
Turn on the light, turn on the light,
turn on the light To see me shining
Turn on the light, turn on the light,
turn on the light You ain’t gotta
Turn on the light, turn on the light,
turn on the light To see me shining
Mama said I’m vibing to my own beat
and Oh my God, it’s vibrant a 4k diamond
Catch the shade, it’s blinding
But you ain’t gotta
Turn on the light, turn on the light, turn on the light
You can find the silver lining
If you find the light inside of you
Even in the dark, don’t need to
Turn on the light, turn on the light,
turn on the light
Turn on the light, turn on the light,
turn on the light You ain’t gotta
Turn on the light, turn on the light,
turn on the light To see me shining
Turn on the light, turn on the light,
turn on the light You ain’t gotta
Turn on the light, turn on the light,
turn on the light To see me shining

Gabry Ponte 专辑 Shining 中 Shining歌词创作表达的意思

Gabry Ponte 新单《Shining》正式发行。


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